Wednesday, December 15, 2010


We knew Tesco's new store plans had gone in to North Lincolnshire Council and so have been awaiting their placement "in the public domain" with great anticipation over recent days. However, at the time of viewing (Wednesday 4pm) there are no Available Online Documents on the planning portal/website explaining the nitty-gritty of what's proposed for the Barnard Avenue/Spring's Parade area of town through this major application.
People are being invited to comment by January 3, but make their views known on what, exactly?
We are being told the basic proposal is: Planning permission to erect supermarket, carry out associated alterations and improvements to existing petrol filling station, carpark layout and associated access and landscaping (including the demolition of the existing Tesco - pictured above - and Lidl Stores).
The application is listed as being "under consideration" and is "delegated" which, if we understand North Lincolnshire's system correctly, means council staff will make the decision unless, at some time in the near future, it's agreed elected councillors on the planning committee should do so. The expiry date is March 14 but no date has yet been set for making a decision.
We expect the supporting documents to be added, but there aren't many shopping days left until Christmas and not many commenting days left until January 3, remembering that this is a time of year when virtually everyone - even your Scrooge-like Brigg Blogger - tends to focus on other things.
We have just emailed the North Lincolnshire Council press office, asking when further supporting documents might be added to the planning portal. We'll be happy, as always, to let them clarify the issue and afford right of reply.

NF adds: By 4.45pm their highly-efficient and fast-moving press officer had emailed Brigg Blog back as follows: "Hi, Nigel, the documents are being scanned and will be added shortly. Letters are being sent to neighbours, site notices are going up and there should be a press notice in the next few days. The final deadline for comments is likely to be shortly after 3 January. At the moment it looks as though it will be three weeks after either the press notice or the site notice appears."

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

I wonder who NLC regard as the 'neighbours'?

Am I wrong in thinking that planning notice info is sent to premises' landlords, and not necessarily to the tenants of shop premises?

I understand that the Council is the 'landlord' to the lock-up premises on Cary Lane, so does the Council send a letter to itself?

And where does leave the senior citizens along Barnard Ave? Collectively, they are the nearest residents (neighbours) to the planned development.

I will watch with interest who NLC defines as near neighbours to the proposed expansion.

Finally, one tactic used in politics is to release bad news when there is a bigger distracion.

Is it by accident, or design that the combined Tesco/Lidl's proposals will enter the public domain within days of 2010's fesive season? Trick, or treat?