Sunday, July 01, 2018


Pleas to Brigg publicans and pub-goers to ensure cigarette ends do not litter pavements near licensed premises were made during the Town Council's latest meeting.
With smoking inside pubs now banned by law, folk have to venture outside for a drag, with ashtrays and bins provided by all Brigg pubs.
But the council meeting heard concerns about discarded dog-ends within the town centre.
Coun Ann Eardley raised the issue, saying the number littering pavements was "absolutely disgusting" and asking for a machine to be sent round to sweep them up.
Coun Mike Storey said people in Brigg caused this mess  and needed to be responsible for their own actions. They should be encouraged "to look after our wonderful town."
Coun Rob Waltham, who is the leader of North Lincolnshire Council in addition to being a town councillor,  called on publicans and  smokers visiting licensed premises to keep things tidy.
For some people, he suggested, ventured outside and after having a cigarette simply "flick away their dog-ends."
Coun Waltham stressed that Brigg pavements were cleaned regularly and its litter bins emptied promptly. He did not want anyone to gain the wrong impression about the streets in Brigg.

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