Tuesday, July 23, 2019


One of the best-known avenues of trees in Brigg may take on a new role in the years ahead.
The very tall and mature poplars, pictured above, border the Recreation Ground and act as a wind break, as well as looking attractive.
A house-building firm is looking to build 226 new homes on agricultural land off Wrawby Road, near the Recreation Ground. View details through this link..
A formal planning application has yet to be submitted, seeking approval from North Lincolnshire Council.
But if the development gets the go ahead in due course, the poplar trees can help to screen the new properties from the Recreation Ground - at no cost to anyone.
The scheme includes access/entry via an improved road junction where Churchill Avenue currently meets the A18 on Wrawby Road.
The developer has already made what's known as an Environmental Impact Assessment screening request for residential development.
North Lincolnshire placed details of that in the public domain and invited comments for four weeks up to July 1.
Not a single member of the public took up the invitation.
The aim of Environmental Impact Assessments "is to protect the environment by ensuring that a local planning authority when deciding whether to grant planning permission for a project which is likely to have significant effects on the environment does so in the full knowledge of the likely significant effects, and takes this into account in the decision-making process."
North Lincolnshire Council says the EIA screening request for the development off Wrawby Road is "not yet determined."
If this large housing development proceeds, perhaps consideration can be given to providing a new gate in the fence that divides the Recreation Ground from the adjoining field.
This would allow footballs and cricket balls to be retrieved after clearing the fence.
It would also provide a welcome new pedestrian route from the Rec between the trees and through the housing estate to Wrawby Road.
Wasn't the A18 once classed as a TRUNK road?