Tuesday, July 02, 2019


The County Bridge - completed in 1828 -  in Brigg town centre

Let's not forget that another Brigg landmark milestone is on the distant horizon.
Following the recent 200th anniversary of the Buttercross, the County Bridge will reach its double century in 2028.
Replacing a much older structure, the County Bridge's construction was overseen by J.S. Padley, who was then Lincolnshire's county surveyor.
It began by carrying pedestrians, livestock and horse-drawn vehicles across the Old River Ancholme - a few pence in tolls being charged to help fund the bridge's upkeep.
In the 20th century it had to carry increasing road traffic, including thousands of heavy lorries, vans and cars.
The bridge was not designed for this purpose but the structure's strength saw it cope very well, although the original stone balustrades were removed in the 1950s, having suffered considerable wear and tear - and not only at the hands of the weather!
The opening of the M180 in the 1970s - and the creation of the inner-relief road along Barnard Avenue two decades later 1990s - helped reduce the strain placed on the bridge.
Grade two listed status was afforded in August 1976 to our rusticated stone arch bridge.
Today no vehicles - apart from those belonging to the emergency services - should be crossing the County Bridge.
Sadly, some drivers ignore the signs and still cross the structure, so it's not yet a purely pedestrian walkway.
There are nine years to go until the County Bridge reaches its 200th birthday, but Brigg Blog makes no apologies for mentioning the fact today.
We hope that someone in authority will take note and mark it in a forward planning calendar.
It must be four or five years since we spoke to a councillor, in the Angel Suite, and said the Buttercross's 200th anniversary was coming up and needed marking.
We feel the correct decision was made in this case; the 200th anniversary of the Buttercross opening for public use was celebrated, rather than the laying of the foundation stone.
It took a couple of years to complete, which was not unusual in those days.
Although Brigg's first school was founded through Sir John Nelthorpe's will in 1669, many years passed before the builder, from Hull, completed work beside what later became Grammar School Road.

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