Brigg Town Council will be holding its October meeting tomorrow (Monday 23rd) with much of interest to be considered.
Items of note include opening times for the public conveniences, the Christmas lights switch-on and stage in the town centre, allotments, little bin provision and the Millennium Green, off Elwes Street.
The meeting starts at 7.15pm in the Angel Suite and is open to interested members of the public.
They may raise matters of interest during Public Question Time or merely sit and listen to the discussions.
- To consider opening times for the public toilets.
- Police matters
- To agree that the Town Mayor, Deputy and one other councillor sign the transfer of lease for the Millennium Green.
- To consider a request for further litter bins within the town.
- To agree the cost of the staging for the Christmas lights switch-on to be paid for from the major events budget.
- To agree to delegate approval of the award for the new Christmas lights contract for 2018-20 to the Town Mayor, Deputy Town Mayor, one other councillor and the Town Clerk.
- To agree in principle the draft heads of terms for the transfer of the Grammar School Road allotments in exchange for the new allotments at Woodbine Park.
- To receive a report from the North Lincolnshire Council (Brigg & Wolds) ward councillors.