Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Today (October 31) is D-Day for the Christmas lights in Brigg town centre.
The firm which has successfully tendered for providing the festive illuminations beyond the end of this year will become known.
Brigg Town Council is today set to approve the awarding of the new Christmas lights contract for 2018-2020.
Meanwhile, plans continue for the Friday, December 1, 2017 switch-on ceremony in the Market Place.
Performers from the civic pantomimes in Scunthorpe or Grimsby are not expected to be in attendance to entertain the children this time.
An earlier suggestion that the 5-4-3-2-1 countdown to the switch-on might be carried out from the balcony at the front of the Angel building now seems a non-starter due to safety issues.
It's usual for a temporary stage to be erected in the Market Place while the civic party carries out this traditional and enjoyable task.
But a number of Brigg Town Councillors have expressed concerns about the cost of providing such a centre-piece to the ceremony.
Coun Carl Sherwood told the council's October meeting: "It's a lot of money for an hour."
Coun Mike Campion agreed that something less expensive was required, but stressed that a ceremony of some sort was still needed during which the crowd had to be able to see who was speaking and also the schoolchildren while they were singing.
Deputy Town Clerk Alison Hannath said that with eight to 10 people to be accommodated at the switch-on ceremony, it was a real struggle to come up with a cheaper, alternative solution.
Coun James Truepenny said providing the stage was expensive but this was Brigg Town Council's contribution to an evening also featuring the Lions' Christmas fair.
Coun Ann Eardley wondered whether it might be possible to open upstairs windows at the Buttercross, overlooking the Market Place, for the switch-on.
It was finally agreed to delegate the matter to a small group of councillors with a remit to sanction the least expensive option.
Coun Campion added that the council needed to resolve things "fairly quickly."
Road closures are on their way in Brigg town centre.
Advanced notice to drivers has been given by the authorities.
Sections of Bigby Street, the A18 (Wrawby Street/Wrawby Road) and the A1094 (Bigby Road) will be closed to through traffic.
The closures will take place on Sunday, November 12 during the Remembrance Sunday parade and laying of wreaths at the War Memorial.
Between 10.30am and 10.40am the parade of veterans, Brigg group representatives, councillors and others will make its way from Station Road, along Bigby Street to St John's Church.
Following the Remembrance Sunday Service, is will form up again and march along Wrawby Street, Queen Street and Bigby Street to the war memorial.
Main roads near the Monument will be closed prior to the start of the wreath-laying at noon until approximately 12.15pm.
Brigg Town Council oversees arrangements for the annual parade in memory of those who gave their lives in the service of their country.
Hundreds of members of the public turn out to pay their respects to The Fallen.
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Two pictures of the Remembrance Sunday 2016 parade in Brigg |
Brigg Town Council's Planning & Environment Committee, meeting in the Angel Suite Lounge, agreed to support a scheme by social landlord Ongo to build six new concrete garages on the Springbank housing estate.
The suggested location is Horstead Avenue.
North Lincolnshire Council planners will now consider the request for planning permission.
Scunthorpe-based Ongo says the garages are intended primarily for its tenants "but also for private owner occupiers who may wish to rent a garage."
Ongo says the new garages will improve the general appearance of this area of the town, improve security and reduce the likelihood of theft or damage to residents' vehicles.
The proposed garages will have a multispar finish, box profile plastic steel roofs and powder-coated up-and-over doors.
Monday, October 30, 2017
For the second time in recent weeks, a former Brigg Town Mayor has expressed concerns about the number of crimes being reported to police in the Brigg & Wolds area.
Coun Ann Eardley suggested 60+ crimes had been committed in the district over the last month for which figures were available. And she said a lot of these related to anti-social behaviour.
Coun Eardley raised the issue during 'Police Matters' which is always an agenda item at monthly meetings of the Town Council, although the Humberside force has only rarely had an officer in attendance during recent years.
Town Mayor Coun Sharon Riggall suggested Coun Eardley had raised something that should be placed on the agenda for discussion at next month's meeting.
The Brigg & Wolds policing area stretches as far as South Ferriby and includes a number of villages as well as the town.
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Coun Ann Eardley photographed in Brigg Market Place by Ken Harrison, of Brigg Matters Magazine |
Prominent 'buildings in Brigg town centre are set to be given a new colour scheme, in a move that is being supported by the Town Council.
Local businessman Joe Mullen is seeking listed building consent to repaint 60, 61 and 62 Wrawby Street - pictured here on the right.
He is proposing changing the colour scheme to Dulux Wethershield green glade (satin finish).
Brigg Town Council's Planning & Environment Committee agreed in was "in support" of the application and will pass that view on to North Lincolnshire Council planners who now have the final say on whether to grant permission.
A tapas bar was a suggested use for these premises but it has not opened to the public.
Brigg Town Council's Planning & Environment Committee is also "in support" of separate applications for extensions to be added at:
- 3/3A Engine Street
- 2 Eastfield Road
- 8 Eastfield Road
Well-known and long-established Brigg town centre shop Brians DIY, on Wrawby Street, is offering something a bit different for Halloween tomorrow.
On Tuesday, October 31 it will be staying open late - until 8pm - with families in mind.
Take children along to Brians DIY in their Halloween costumes and all youngsters who attend between 8.30am and 8pm will receive a FREE bag of sweets.
Launched in 2012, the Do Something Different programme provides a wide range of sport, leisure and cultural activities for anyone aged over 16 with a physical or mental disability, allowing them to try something new in a fun, safe environment.
The new programme of events now includes activities on every day of the week, at sites across North Lincolnshire.
We have added some brand new sessions to the Do Something Different timetable, including Fun, Games and Physical Activities on a Monday evening at Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub, and Fun, Active Games and Museum Activities at Barton Community Wellbeing Hub on Wednesday afternoon.
The timetable also features some old favourites. Due to their popularity, Multi-Sport and Archery and Table Tennis sessions at The Pods have been running since the project began five years ago.
You can download a full timetable of events online at www.northlincs.gov.uk/dosomethingdifferent or contact our Disability Development Officer, Telle Medhurst on telle.medhurst@northlincs.gov.uk or call 07717 587270.
Coun Carl Sherwood (Brigg & Wolds), Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing at North Lincolnshire Council, pictured above, said: "Since we launched the Do Something Different project, it has gone from strength to strength with people taking part in a range of activities they never thought they would do.
“The new timetable includes some old favourites and some brand new activities; if you’ve never been along to a session before, why not come along and try something new?”
As well as a full weekly timetable of activities, there are two adapted bicycles available for free hire throughout the year at Normanby Hall Country Park. Please call the Hall on 01724 720588 to book these before your visit.
The current, full Do Something Different timetable of activities is as follows:
- 9am to 11am – Rebound Therapy at The Pods, Scunthorpe. £3.50 per session. Booking essential.
- 1.30pm to 3.30pm – Foam Archery at Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub. £2 for one hours or £3 for two.
- 5.15pm to 6.15pm – Fun and Games and Physical Activities, Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub. £2 per person.
- 10.30am to 12pm – Rebound Therapy at Brigg Community Wellbeing Hub, Horstead Avenue. £3.50 per session. Booking essential.
- 1.30pm to 3.30pm – Archery and Table Tennis at The Pods, Scunthorpe. £2 for one hour or £3 for two.
- 5pm to 6pm – Dance at Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub. £2 per session. Booking essential (3, 10, 17, 24 October and 7, 14 November only)
- 11.30am to 12.30pm – Chair-Based Exercise at Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub. £2 per session.
- 1pm to 4pm – Get Crafty at 20-21 Visual Arts Centre, Scunthorpe. Free sessions, term time only.
- 1.30pm to 2.30pm – Fun, Active Games and Museum Activities at Barton Community Wellbeing Hub. £2 per session.
- 11am to 12pm – Circuit Training at Riddings Pool, Scunthorpe. £2 per session.
- 10.30am to 11.30am – Swimming or Instructor-led Gym sessions at Riddings Pool. £1.80 for swimming or £2.50 for the gym with your concessions card.
- 1.30pm to 3.30pm – Multi-Sports at Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub. £2 for one hour or £3 for two.
- 1.15pm to 3.15pm – Multi-Sports at The Pods, Scunthorpe. £2 for one hour or £3.80 for two.
The Community Well-Being Hub on Horstead Avenue, Brigg |
Sunday, October 29, 2017
There was an entertaining Brigg area derby in the EC Surfacing Ltd Scunthorpe & District Football League yesterday (Saturday, October 28).
Barnetby United, from division one, beat second division Briggensians 1-0 in the first round of the Johnstone Insurance Nursing Cup.
Joe Scott netted for the villagers in what Barnetby's Lee Fielden called a very close and hard-fought derby.
Lee, the former Brigg Town cricketer, has kindly supplied these action pictures from the village's Silver Street ground.
Briggensians are wearing blue shirts and Barnetby their familiar black and white strip.
On Saturday, November 4 second-placed Briggensians visit lowly Epworth Town Reserves in division two, while Barnetby United Reserves have a home fixture against Crosby Colts.
Both these games kick off at 2pm.
Despite being bottom of the Toolstation Northern Counties East First Division, Brigg Town Football Club continue to attract sizeable crowds.
Another healthy turn-out of 174 spectators at the Hawthorns saw the Zebras lose 2-0 to title-chasing Yorkshire Amateurs yesterday (Saturday, October 28).
This was the division's highest attendance.
The visitors scored two second-half goals to take all three points.
Brigg will visit mid-table AFC Emley on Saturday (November 4).
Plans to install a replacement shop front within Brigg town centre have been welcomed by Town Councillors.
The premises at 45 Wrawby Street, within the Conservation Area, are occupied by popular fast food takeaway Marmaris.
Brigg Town Council's Planning & Environment Committee considered the application during its latest meeting, held in the Angel Suite Lounge.
Committee chairman Coun Mike Storey, pictured here, suggested that planning conditions would set out the colour scheme.
He said the application was "spot on" and exactly what was needed.
Having won the support of Brigg Town Council, the application now goes to North Lincolnshire Council planners for a final decision.
The application has been submitted, through agents, by the owner of the building.
Planners have been told that the existing "detrimental" shop front will be replaced by a more appropriate design.
The new timber shop front will incorporates traditional details such as pilasters, plinth, cornices and mullions.
There will be a larger window "to mimic the more traditional shop fronts on the town centre."
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Marmaris Pizza, on Wrawby Street, Brigg |
Brigg councillor Rob Waltham, pictured above, carries out many duties, makes major decisions and oversees a multi-million pound budget as the leader of North Lincolnshire Council.
But as an ordinary member of Brigg Town Council he gets called upon, from time to time, to undertake more unusual tasks, though still ones of importance to the local community.
Although he attends the vast majority of the Town Council's monthly meetings in the Angel Suite, Coun Rob could not make the October one.
However, in his absence, he was nominated for a one-off job - taking part in an audit of all the litter bins dotted about Brigg!
Coun Jane Kitching suggested the count-up, saying they needed to know the exact locations and whether the bins were being emptied often enough by North Lincolnshire Council.
There were some complaints, for example, about litter bins in the town centre being full on Saturdays.
"We want a clean town," she stressed. "We want it to be attractive."
Coun Mike Campion felt it was a case of "the more bins the better" but pointed out that if North Lincolnshire Council emptied the bins, it must surely know all the locations.
Coun Ann Eardley said there was real need for additional bins along Atherton Way, due to the number of lorries currently being parking there by drivers.
Town Mayor Coun Sharon Riggall suggested that dog waste bins should also be included in the audit.
It was agreed that Couns Kitching, Waltham and Brian Parker should carry out the audit.
Brigg Blog recently suggested there's a need to replace the litter bin removed months ago from a lamp-post near the Monument, but never replaced.
It is passed by many who have bought takeaways while walking home after a night spent visiting Brigg pubs.
Brigg Blog having declared a personal interest, could that go on the councillors' list, please?
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TAKEAWAY THIS LITTER: A Brigg town centre bin in 2015 |
Any day now, the management of an area of public green space in Brigg will by taken on by the Town Council.
The Millennium Green, between Elwes Street and the Old River Ancholme, will be literally signed, sealed and delivered.
Town Mayor Coun Sharon Riggall and Deputy Town Mayor Coun Donald Campbell will be there were it happens.
Negotiations at legal level with North Lincolnshire Council have stretched over many months.
But that's all concluded to everyone's satisfaction, and the transfer of the lease is about to be completed.
The Millennium Green was one of many Year 2000 projects across the UK.
A trust and volunteers oversaw the upkeep of the green for some years.
It has seating as well as litter bins to be used by those who pay a visit.
In due course, Brigg Town Council is expected to consider making improvements and adding to what's on offer, as well as keeping things in good order.
The picture above shows part of the Millennium Green in August 2016.
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Brigg Millennium Green's southern boundary fence - showing the close proximity to the Old River Ancholme. The bungalows on the right are in Manley Gardens. |
Saturday, October 28, 2017
A Brigg sports club has been promoted to a higher league and will also be playing in a brand new knockout competition which is already plenty of interest.
Brigg Town Cricket Club finished runners-up in division four of the Lincolnshire County Cricket League during the season which ended in early September.
The club having now passed the necessary ground inspection, it will be able to play home games during 2018 at North Lincolnshire Council's Brigg Rec after spending several seasons at guest venues while the Wrawby Road facility was being refurbished.
With an approved home ground now in place, the club's promotion to division three was confirmed during the league's annual general meeting, held in Market Rasen on Wednesday night.
Mark Cawkwell and Nigel Beacock were there to represent Brigg Town Cricket Club.
Brigg's division three opponents during 2018 will be Alkborough 2nds, Barton Town 2nds, Broughton 2nds, Clee Town Laportes, Lindum 3rds (Lincoln), Messingham 2nds and Nettleham 2nds.
Due to a reduction in the overall number of teams taking part in the Lincolnshire League during 2018, which has cut the number of league matches to 14 in division three, a new Supplementary Cup will operate to provide additional fixtures.
There will be four 'round robin' groups, the winners of which will meet in the semi-finals, with the final following on Sunday, July 22 at Barton Town's Marsh Lane ground.
In the group stage, Brigg Town will play Broughton 2nds, Barton Town 2nds and Alkborough 2nds.
Group games will be played over three successive Saturdays early in the season.
It is proposed that Supplementary Cup ties for teams from divisions three and four will be 30 overs a side, rather than the 45 used in league matches.
The Lincs League hopes that the new, shorter format will encourage more people to take up cricket as a regular sport.
There will be no traditional tea interval during Supplementary Cup matches.
The panoramic picture of Brigg Recreation Ground was taken by local man Neil Stapleton a few months ago, using his drone.
The next meeting of Brigg & District Gardening Club will take place on Thursday 2nd November at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall.
Your chance to Get Fruity with Mr D'Arcy!
Our speaker is Shaun D'Arcy and his topic for the evening will be fruit trees.
Entrance is free to members and £2 for guests. Everyone is welcome.
For more information contact Jill Dawson, secretary, on 07545781013.
The other Friday, Brigg Blog boarded a Hornsby No 4 bus in Cary Lane and then took the 9.15am National Express coach right down to London, returning to the steel town on Sunday at 7pm.
Booking online with National Express meant we went there and back for about £26, which is really good value.
This coach operates between Hull and the capital, which made us wonder whether there is sufficient demand to ask for the coach to call at Brigg on the way down and the way back.
Anyone interested?
Josie Webb, of Brigg Amateur Social Historians, has replied to our recent post seeking information about these pictures of local interest sent to us by someone undertaking family history research.
Our correspondent told us George Neal Sipling was pictured, seated front left, but sought information about the company mentioned on the certificate - Otter and Barly/Barley.
Josie tells us: "In 1849 William Otter was living and working in a 4-acre area at the south end of Bridge Street. He was a baker, grocer and miller. He also had a bake house and retail outlet at 62 Wrawby Street, managed by his son - William Otter Junior.
"By 1869 the Bridge Street premises were all up for sale, following his death. His widow Mary then moved into 62 Wrawby Street, joining their son.
"They were grocers, bakers and cheese-makers. By 1876 Mrs Isabella Otter [I think this was probably her son's wife] was running the business and so it continued until 1909 when a Mrs Jane Barley went into partnership.
"I believe this ended sometime in the late 1920s. I guess it was sold and a Mr Davies bought it; Peirsey Kitchen managed it - eventually owning it - until its closure in the 1970s.
"The bake house building is still there, visible from Bigby Street. It's all covered in ivy now. This is where Mr George Sipling would have worked."
Brigg Blog has already forwarded Josie's useful and interesting information to our correspondent. We thank her for her time and trouble.
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Josie Webb |
Friday, October 27, 2017
North Lincolnshire Council currently has 10 job vacancies in the Brigg area that it is looking to fill.
Applications are being invited for the range of roles, one of which pays up to £59,674 and another up to £39,660.
Most are based at Hewson House, off Station Road, Brigg, and the others at Ancholme Leisure Centre, Scawby Brook.
They include head of disability & mental health, strategic board development co-ordinator, leisure assistants and senior public health analysts.
Use this link to view them all and even submit your application...
There's a busy day coming up in Brigg tomorrow, Saturday, October 28, and on Sunday.
Tomorrow sees North Lincolnshire Council's monthly farmers' market operating in the town centre, with stalls open from early morning until 3pm, with the general Saturday market also open for business in the Market Place and Wrawby Street.
There will also be an art exhibition - admission free - at St John's Church Hall, 10am to 3pm.
Free tea and coffee will be served courtesy of The Ancholme Artists.
Saturday night will also see further live music on offer at the Woolpack Inn, where The Devotion Duo, pictured above, will be performing from 8.30pm.
Free admission - all welcome.
Sunday (29th) sees the Brigg Poppy 10k race and Military Challenge starting at 10.45am in the Market Place.
It will be overseen by the Brigg Branch of the Royal British Legion, with presentations about 12.15.
The route will take competitors to Cadney and back to town.
Many spectators will line the route to encourage the runners.
Three-piece Barton-based band Rough Trade, pictured below, made a welcome return to Brigg last Saturday night (October 21 - this time at the Woolpack, in the Market Place.
The band mainly performs covers of songs made famous by top bands of the 1970s and 1980s.
This gig was enjoyed by regulars and visitors to the hostelry.
The public toilets in Cary Lane, Brigg, are owned and managed by North Lincolnshire Council.
However, for many years our Town Council has paid an annual sum to the unitary body so the conveniences, pictured above, on Cary Lane are opened specially every Sunday and on bank holidays - early morning to early evening.
This is a service appreciated by many townsfolk and visitors, including those attending special events within the town centre.
A number of Brigg Town Councillors have now re-affirmed their commitment to keep this service, which costs a few hundred pounds a year, up and running.
They made their views plain during the council's October meeting, held earlier this week in the Angel Suite.
Reference was also made to the other public conveniences - on East Park, near the Tintab shelter - which are not included in the current unlocking agreement.
The idea of Brigg Town Council seeking to manage public conveniences in the town was also touched upon.
The debate was prompted by reference to the fact there is currently no notice at the entrance to the Cary Lane WCs setting out the opening hours.
Giving the reasons for this, North Lincolnshire Council has pointed out that the special opening hours on Sunday and bank holidays are not within its remit - it only controls Monday to Friday - while its service level agreement with Brigg Town Council is only on a 12-month basis, year to year.
Coun Mike Campion told Brigg Town Council colleagues that it was obvious that their authority wanted to see the Cary Lane toilets opened on Sundays on a long-term basis.
Coun James Truepenny said some people thought Brigg Town Council should now be considering taking control of public conveniences.
Coun Jane Kitching suggested it was time the Town Council thought about opening the East Park WCs, pictured below, on a similar basis to Cary Lane's.
Coun Ann Eardley stressed the public toilets needed to be open on the evening of the Christmas lights switch-on and festive fair to be held in early December and also on Remembrance Sunday next month.
Brigg Town Council agreed that it should request an opening hours sign at the Cary Lane toilets and would look to continue the current agreement with North Lincolnshire Council to have the WCs unlocked on Sundays and bank holidays.
Brigg Town Football Club has a home game coming up tomorrow (Saturday, October 28).
Yorkshire Amateurs, from Leeds, will provide the opposition, kick-off at The Hawthorns being 3pm.
The visitors from Leeds are second in the Toolstation Northern Counties East First Division, while Brigg are at the foot of the table.
This game is set to attract another sizeable crowd.
Tomorrow also sees an interesting local derby in the EC Surfacing Ltd Scunthorpe & District Football League.
First Division Barnetby United will host Brigg side Briggensians (from Division Two) in the first round of the Johnstone Insurance Nursing Cup.
Kick-off at the village's Silver Street ground will be 2.30pm.
In the same competition, Barnetby Reserves visit Keadby WMC.
On Saturday, October 28 the Halloween fun will begin early in the Barn at the Nelthorpe Arms, off Bridge Street.
Providing the music from 7.30pm will be Luke Todd, pictured above, followed by The Dirty Pitchers, playing top songs from the Britpop era.
Luke and The Pitchers are well-known in the Brigg area.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Brigg’s first Festival of Christmas Trees and Christmas Wreaths, organised by The Brigg Town Business Partnership, will take place at St John’s Church and St John’s Church Hall between Thursday, December 7th and Saturday, December 9th, 10.00am to 3.00pm, and on Sunday, December 10th between 11.00am and 1.00pm.
The Church and Church Hall will be filled with decorated Christmas Trees and Christmas Wreaths, all of which will be sponsored by local businesses and organisations.
Admission will be free with donations welcome in aid of St John’s Church.
Refreshments will be available throughout the four days in the Church Hall where memory cards will also be available for the Brigg Tree of Light.
Prior to the Festival opening, a Pop up Choir made up of members of Lincoln Cathedral Choir will perform in the Church on Wednesday December 6th at 6.30pm – admission is free with donations welcome.
At certain times during the Festival there will be musical entertainment provided by The Vale of Ancholme Academy Band .
On the Saturday evening (9th) the cast of last Spring’s sell-out community production Folk Round ‘Ere will stage a specially written musical show featuring songs and customs from Winter and the Christmas Period, with the singers accompanied by a folk band with Children from 1st Brigg Brownies also featuring in a show that is sure to make the most of the wonderful acoustics of St John’s Church. Tickets - £5 and £2.50 for under 14s - are now available from Brigg Tourist Information Centre.
Prior to the event closing on Sunday December 10th, a Town Carol service will be held in the Church at 2.00pm followed by refreshments in the Angel Suite, kindly hosted by Brigg Town Mayor Councillor Mrs Sharon Riggall, pictured above.
Visit the Brigg Town Business Partnership website at www.briggisbest.co.uk to keep up to date with Festival of Christmas Trees and Christmas Wreaths information and details of other Brigg events.
North Lincolnshire Council staff continue to carry out routine food hygiene inspections at premises across the district.
They recently rated three in Brigg and district.
The following were all awarded Four Stars - "Good" following their inspections.
- Marisas Kitchen, White Hart Inn, Bridge Street, Brigg
- Little Angels Pre-School, Glebe Road, Brigg
- Elsham Golf Club, Barton Road, Elsham
Stallholders will start selling produce and goods to visiting shoppers from 9am and the event will continue until 3pm.
North Lincolnshire Council's award-winning market has now been operating for 16 years and always draws large numbers of shoppers to the Market Place.
Many visitors also call at shops and eateries in the town, helping to boost trade.
The general Saturday market will be operating on stalls in the Market Place and along part of Wrawby Street this Saturday.
Fingers firmly crossed for some decent weather.
And remember that free car parking can be enjoyed on Saturday.
Our picture shows a past October farmers' market in full swing.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Two interesting Halloween events are coming up in Brigg on Friday evening, October 27.
Both are on licensed premises.
Solo artist Rob Bishop will be on stage in the concert room at Brigg Town Football Club's Hawthorns venue.
Free entry - all welcome.
At the Black Bull pub/restaurant, on Wrawby Street, there will be a Halloween Spooktacular Costume Party, from 8.30pm.
Singer Ruth Hakes will be performing
Pop in and join the fun.
North Lincolnshire Council working in partnership with the Government and Ongo is set to build around 240 new homes in Scunthorpe and Brigg by 2020.
A three-year programme has been created to deliver the new homes through a flexible ownership model.
Sites have been identified in Scunthorpe and one in Brigg where homes could be built.
They include:
- West Street, Scunthorpe
- Frodingham Road, Scunthorpe
- Rowland Road, Scunthorpe
- Station Road, Scunthorpe
- Warwick Road, Scunthorpe
- Enderby Road, Scunthorpe
- Poplar Drive, Brigg (See our footnote below)
The programme will be flexible to allow each site to be assessed individually to find the most appropriate type of ownership.
Funding will be sought from the Government through the Homes and Communities Agency to support the delivery of the programme.
The Government is looking to bring forward 6,500 new home starts in Yorkshire and Humber before March 2018 and completed by March 2020.
Cllr Rob Waltham (Brigg & Wolds, Leader of North Lincolnshire Council, said: “The Government are continuing to support us to build new homes here in North Lincolnshire. Working in partnership with Ongo we will deliver this ambitious housing programme to provide a range of home ownership opportunities to enable young people and families to enter the housing market.
"We are reigniting our partnership with Ongo and together we are committed to delivering much needed new homes for our residents.
“We have a responsibility to ensure that there are enough new homes being built in North Lincolnshire and that there are affordable homes to support more residents to buy their own home.
“Our overall vision for the programme is to help people become homeowners. We recognise that not everyone is in a position to be able to afford to buy a home, but through this programme a number of options will be available to support them to secure a home for their families' future."
“There is an ambitious plan to deliver these homes by 2020 and we are really keen to get going.”
Pete Stones, Director of Regeneration at Ongo, said: “We are looking forward to working in partnership with North Lincolnshire Council and welcome the opportunity to work together to meet the housing need in North Lincolnshire.
“Having a plan to build 240 new homes in the region is exciting, particularly with the demand for affordable housing in this area.”
NF ADDS: Knowing the layout of Poplar Drive, Brigg Blog thought the housing development site must be the redundant former children's home, pictured below. North Lincolnshire Council has confirmed that it is. Ongo is the social landlord for our area.
Coun Rob Waltham, from Brigg, who is the Leader of North Lincolnshire Council, has welcomed an apprenticeship event coming up tomorrow.
His council is hosting it on Thursday, October 26 between 9.30am and 12.30pm at The Pods on Ashby Road, Scunthorpe.
Those looking for a specific apprenticeship are invited to come along to speak with local businesses and education providers to find out about current and upcoming vacancies.
The event will showcase the different types of apprenticeships on offer within North Lincolnshire for people of all ages.
So far, we have the following businesses confirmed attending the event:
- British Steel
- Humber Business Training Centre
- North Lincolnshire Council Careers IAG (Information, Advice and Guidance) Team
- North Lindsey College
- Action Station
- YH Training – Military prep course
- Grimsby Institute
- Army Career Centre Grimsby
Coun Waltham said: “Apprenticeships are a fantastic way of hitting the ground running and learning practical skills on the job. The council itself has supported over 150 apprentices through a wide range of roles and many have chosen to stay on with us after they have finished their apprenticeship.
“This event will highlight the options available for apprenticeships in North Lincolnshire. We want to raise the aspirations of our young people and show them that going to university and getting a degree is not the only way to get a good job; an apprenticeship can be a gateway to a prosperous career in lots of different areas.”
This event is part of the 2017 Festival of Skills and Opportunities. The festival hosts a range of events aimed at helping local people of all ages find their next course, job or career path. Over 3,500 people attended the free events as part of last year’s Festival of Skills and Opportunities.
For more information on this event, or the other events taking place as part of the festival, visit www.northlincs.gov.uk/foso, email foso@northlincs.gov.uk or call 01724 297302. You can join in the conversation on Twitter by using the hashtag #FOSO2017.
NF ADDS: You can catch a No 4 Hornsby bus from Brigg and get off at the Civic Centre, just a few yards from The Pods Leisure Centre.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
However, competitors got their skates on, so to speak, and 353 entries were received by the deadline.
That's a praiseworthy number of people supporting this annual event overseen by
the Brigg and District Branch of the Royal British Legion.
It will take place this coming Sunday morning, October 29, with competitors running from Brigg town centre to Cadney and back.
Many spectators will be lining the route to encourage those taking part.
The Brigg and District Branch of the Royal British Legion oversees this popular race.
It starts at 10.45am from the Market Place.
PICTURED: Some of the runners who took part in the 2016 event.
North Lincolnshire Council is investing more money in North Lincolnshire schools.
Between 2017 and 2020, the council is investing £14m to improve education buildings from pre-schools and children’s centres to secondary schools.
Some schools have already benefited, while others are set to be improved.
The investment includes a new pre-school at Barrow (John Harrison school site) – children have now moved in and an official opening is being planned.
Work has started on building an extension at Oakfield Primary to provide nursery accommodation and work is now complete on St Martin’s at Owston Ferry which has a new extension to the hall.
Others benefiting this financial year (April 2017 to March 2018) are:
- Sir John Nelthorpe School, Brigg, Killingholme and Leys Farm Junior – roof improvements
- Frodingham Infants, Enderby Road Infants, Sir John Nelthorpe, Frederick Gough and Goxhill Primary – mechanical and heating improvements
- Scunthorpe CE Primary, Althorpe and Keadby Primary, Sir John Nelthorpe, Frederick Gough, Bottesford Junior, John Harrison Primary and Winterton – electrical improvements
- Refurbishment work to support the relocation of Little Rascals pre-school on Riddings, Scunthorpe
- Extend day care provision at West Street Children’s Centre in Scunthorpe
- Extend Manor Farm Children’s Centre to support the relocation of Priory Lane pre-school
Coun Rob Waltham (Brigg & Wolds), Leader, North Lincolnshire Council, said: “This is a major programme of work that will benefit many schools in our area and improves outcomes for children and young people.
“It will provide more nursery and school places to meet demand of our growing population.
“Not only will it improve our school buildings for years to come, it will create jobs and training opportunities, encourage more people to live and stay in North Lincolnshire.”
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