Sunday, April 23, 2017


We spotted a message on Twitter, posted on Friday night, from Humberside Specials, saying that special constables were in Brigg town centre, visiting pubs and talking to people.
They are visiting other towns, too.
That's very welcome; so-called visible policing is what many folk want to see.
In decades past, officers based at our Brigg police station used to do this as a matter of course, particularly at weekends.
Sgt Burns and Sgt Triffit were familiar faces to many as they popped in to see all was well at local hostelries and exchanged greetings with mine hosts.
We'll be asking Humberside Police whether the latest tour of the town centre is something we can expect to see repeated.
For the benefit of younger Brigg Blog readers, here's a link explaining our headline...