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Tourists are very welcome in Brigg - and we want to see many more of them! |
North Lincolnshire Council is working well in formulating its Brigg and the Ancholme Valley Tourism Strategy 2013 - 2016.
It should be stressed that the strategy is still at the draft stage but many followers of Brigg Blog will like what they see so far in the brief extract that follows.
The priority of encouraging "a quality evening economy" in Brigg is particularly praiseworthy and caught our eye.
Here's what the DRAFT strategy is suggesting, consultations still being under way with interested parties:
Regenerate the physical environment of Brigg and the Ancholme Valley
We have identified a number of physical works to increase access for visitors to the area, to improve the
appearance of Brigg and create a sense of place. To be successful, we must make it easier and more convenient
for visitors to reach us.
We will
• Create a network of paths and cycle ways throughout the Ancholme Valley
• Improve the entrances to Brigg from the car parks, bus and railway station
• Develop new entrance signage to raise awareness of Brigg as a destination in its own right
• Enhance Brigg’s courts and yards
• Refresh the Market Place and improve the layout of Brigg Market
• Make more of Brigg’s waterfront
• Work with the Environment Agency to improve navigation on the river
• Develop and adopt a design standard for street furniture in the town
• Develop new destination signage for the Low Villages
• Create a network of interpretative signage to showcase all the area can offer
‘Invest’ in our events and attractions
In order to be successful, the sector needs to be more competitive and profitable than it currently is. Brigg and
the Ancholme Valley has much to offer the visitor. We need to make the most of our heritage, sports facilities
and outdoor venues. We will ‘invest’ in Brigg’s products to make sure they meet the needs of existing and
potential visitors. By developing the right ‘products’ and services we can attract high value visitors.
We will
• Work with training providers to improve staff and management skills in the sector
• We will work with existing businesses to encourage them to develop new facilities and products to
meet changing customer needs
• Work in partnership to manage Brigg and the Ancholme Valley as a visitor destination
• Build upon existing events to make them more beneficial to all businesses in the sector
• Work with emerging tourism sector businesses to help them establish and grow
• Work with golf attractions to develop a ‘package’ for participants
• Encourage the diversification of rural businesses to create new facilities for visitors
• Work with regional and national bodies to make the most of funding opportunities
• Encourage local businesses to apply for grant funding and e-commerce opportunities
Attract new investment
Successful destinations need good consumer choice. As the sector grows, we need to encourage new
attractions, hotel chains and cafés to relocate to Brigg and the Ancholme Valley.
We will
• Actively encourage investment in Brigg from suitable retailers, cafes and hotel chains
• Seek investment centred around outdoor pursuits and river transport in the Ancholme Valley
• Encourage providers of all-weather facilities to take an interest in the area
• Encourage a quality evening economy in Brigg
Brigg Blog really likes the final priority - something our town needs to offer if it's to become a really successful tourist destination.
It's great to have our current range of speciality shops and markets, all open from early morning into mid-late afternoon. But we need tourists to be here all day - or for several days. And that means giving them something to enjoy in the evenings.
Some shops might be persuaded to stay open in the evenings, as they do during the Christmas lights switch-on once a year. But this is rather "chicken and egg" - the shops won't open if few folk are about, but visitors won't come to Brigg in numbers unless they know there will be places to visit.
Somehow that has got to be addressed.
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