Monday, February 10, 2014


A view of Market Lane, Brigg, looking towards the Market Place.
One of the longest-running undecided issues in Brigg will be back in the spotlight this week.
We refer to the official status of Market Lane, off the Market Place, and whether the public has the right to use it. It's a question of designation.
This topic has been under consideration for many, many months and we are now to receive what's described as "a progress report from North Lincolnshire Council."
The unitary authority is responsible for footpaths, highways and rights of way - among its many duties.
The report will be received by Brigg Town Council's Planning and Environment Committee when it meets in the downstairs Angel Suite Lounge on Wednesday, February 12, from 7pm.
The committee will also consider the latest planning applications submitted for Brigg which have yet to be decided by North Lincolnshire Council.
Brigg Town Council sometimes comments on applications on its borders in nearby parishes, such as the power stations for the old sugar factory site. Whether the wind turbine planned for Cadney will be included we shall have to wait and see.
This meeting is open to interested members of the public.