Monday, February 12, 2018
A scheme to provide what has been described as 'much needed' new homes near Brigg has been refused planning permission by North Lincolnshire Council.
It rejected an outline application for residential development (6 dwellings) on land off Brigg Road, Wressle (Broughton parish).
A report submitted in support of the application by Mr Turner, of Wressle House, said of the scheme: "It represents an opportunity to deliver high quality housing in a sustainable location that will contribute towards the provision of much-needed new housing in order to achieve the 5-year housing land supply."
In considering the application, North Lincolnshire Council, the local planning authority, said it received 14 letters of objection from the public.
The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) said it opposed the scheme "on the basis that it constitutes development in the open countryside and does not meet the criteria for sustainable development."
Broughton Town Council said the proposed site was outside the development line for Wressle.
Among reasons given by North Lincolnshire Council for refusing permission was that the "adverse social and environmental impacts" outweigh the benefits of the proposal "and therefore the presumption in favour of substainable development has not been met."
Anyone refused planning approval may choose to lodge an appeal with the government, following which an inspector is appointed to consider whether or not to overturn the local authority's decision.
PICTURED ABOVE: The hamlet of Wressle, between Broughton and Brigg.