Tuesday, April 19, 2016


We've noted the return of a few house martins to Brigg for the warmer months of the year.
These are early arrivals. given the low temperature late yesterday and the ground frost overnight, they must be wishing they'd stayed on a bit longer in Africa before making the long flight back to the UK.
Swallows and house martins arrive back in Brigg earlier than our families of swifts.
The swifts then set off south in mid-August, a few weeks before their fellow feathered friends.
The swooping swifts are quite a sight in Brigg on warm summer evenings, as they go in search of insects. You can see them in the town centre and there's a strong concentration along Grammar School Road.
During our first week at Brigg Grammar School, one September day in the 1960s, we recall being in one of the hut-type classrooms nearest Glebe Road and watching swallows gather on nearby telephone wires.
It was a chilly September morning but a few hours later, after a games lesson football match, we  were all ordered into the UNHEATED swimming pool.
That is why we remember it so vividly. 

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