Sunday, December 22, 2013


The view across the A18, Wrawby Road, towards the Springbank estate, taken from  the Churchill Avenue junction. The Recreation Ground is just off picture, on the left. 
Plans have been announced to build a school and housing estate off Wrawby Road in Brigg  and to create a new access road that should deal with much of the traffic congestion suffered on the Springbank estate.
Brief details can be found within the latest edition of the In Touch newsletter from local Conservatives.
There are proposals to relocate the current Vale Academy to Wrawby Road and to create a new relief road from Wrawby Road right round to Atherton Way.
The long-planned Brigg North development zone would then have "relocated" sites for new housing "to the north of the new school and near Brickyard Lane" (in Wrawby).
The Conservatives - North Lincolnshire Council cabinet members Couns Carl Sherwood,  Nigel Sherwood and Rob Waltham - say it is important to know what local people think about this, which is why residents will shortly be consulted on the proposals.
They conclude: "Nothing has been agreed yet, but this is being looked at as an option and we wanted to let residents know. A formal consultation will take place shortly."
This is an outline plan and the fine detail has yet to be revealed. 
For example: Where, and at how many places, will the new relief road from Wrawby Road connect to the Springbank estate? 
This will be very important  to people living on the estate who would then have an alternative to using  heavily congested Grammar School Road. They should get a direct route to the A18 - greatly cutting journey times.
Relocating the Vale Academy will also reduce the amount of traffic - parents' cars and buses - using Grammar School Road.
Copies of the latest issue of In Touch are currently being distributed to households in Brigg and district. It contains much of interest to residents, including a good deal about our MP, Andrew Percy.

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

I haven't yet received the In-Touch paper yet - in fact, I haven't received one for some time...
Anyway, the development around Brickyard Lane was inevitable - although the relocation of the Vale Academy (funding for a new build is, I understand, already allocated) is a novel idea.
This new development's infrastructure could, indeed, relieve much of the congestion on and about GRS.....although there are a few caveats to consider -
a. What happens to the vacated Vale Academy's land? Who will own it - the Vale, or the council? As a brown field site, it could become another house-building site and consequently, the congestion question along GSR, while being ameliorated by the proposed re-location of the Vale, could potentially be exacerbated by a possible massive increase of traffic stimulated by the development of the new housing estate on the Vale's old site.
Needs clarification.
b. There is still a need for a second river crossing in and about Brigg. While, for example, the internal route infrastructure is possibly being improved, the primary route ie the A18 will be expected to cumulatively take a higher volume of traffic as Brigg expands. In addition, could there be any benefit of seeking a direct access to/from the M180 north of Atherton Way? It's not impossible.