Chris Pope, with 376 votes, was the only candidate who did not gain election.
Brigg Blog lists the councillors elected in order of votes received.
Newcomers to the 19-member authority are Rob Waltham, Sheila Boughey and Chris Dyson.
All the other successful candidates have served as town councillors.
1) Carl Sherwood 1,086
2) Rob Waltham 833
3) James Truepenny 822
4) Penny Smith 753
5) Andrew Markham 725
6) Ann Eardley 648
7) Jenny Bell 616
8) Ben Nobbs 606
9) Jacqueline Brock 574
10) Mike Campion 569
11) Alec Depledge 551
12) Jane Kitching 517
13) John Kitwood 516
14) Edward Arnott 494
15) Sheila Boughey 453
16) Lesley Whitehand 446
17) Julian Kidd 417
18) Mel Oades 412
19) Chris Dyson 387

Now no-one can deny that party-politics plays an important part in electing councillors to Brigg TC...a council that operates a self-imposed non-party policy.
During the last year, Cllr Ben Nobbs has been in the limelight being the town mayor, but he comes a third-way down the list...long-standing and ex-town mayor, John Kirkwood is two-thirds down, while relatively unknown, Cllr Waltham comes 2nd...
As the Devil's Advocate - did the electorate vote for party, or for the individuals they perceived as the best?
Keeping in the same role, can I suggest that most people about Brigg just don't know who is on Brigg TC...They may know a few names and faces, but make a random X-selection for the rest.
Nevertheless, keep up the good work and some folks, even outsiders, appreciate the work that you do.
Surely the great thing about British democracy is that people are free to vote using whatever criteria they care to employ - party, recognising the name or the face, school attended, etc. And how they chose to vote, and how they voted, remains secret and no-one else's business.
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