Further to yesterday's Brigg Blog post about work going on near Tesco and Lidl's stores we offer this picture for the benefit of those who haven't ventured into that part of town recently. They certainly aren't prospecting for oil or natural gas, but the purpose behind all the work has generated plenty of hot air, becoming the talk of the town.
Aye, Scoop....there's site markings all over the place - yellow, blue, red, yellow and white sripes, numbers and symbols - one symbol looks like the Greek letter Psi - don't know what that means, 'cept Homer, or perhaps, Paris from the Deli could explain its meaning.
These site markings not only speckle Tesco's car park, and extend down Cary Lane towards Molloys; pepper Lidl's car park; dotted about in Springs Way and there's even some in Market Lane.
This is certainly much more than just adding an extension to Tesco; it's almost like the site markings one would anticipate if a retail park was being planned.
PS All the site engineers sign in at Tesco.
Unconfirmed and unofficial reports suggest that Lidl's is to be demolished and the site redeveloped as a new Tesco store, while the existing store remains operating during the interim.
There use to be a saying in schools that if you wanted to know what was happening in the schools, ask the caretaker.
Before any planning application goes to the Planning Dept, one important aspect has to be complete - 'Consultation with Neighbours/Those Affected'.
If building work is intended about Lidl/Tesco complex, those who will be affected will be the retailers/oulets in Springs Parade.
For example, their access and facilities for delivery could be affected down Spring Way.
Have they been approached - Will they be the first to unofficially know what's going on?
Anyway, all this is not going on without someone in power being aware - but they've probably got to keep mum.
We want flesh on dese bones ...and some Tesco points would be useful.
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