Brigg Town Council holds its monthly meeting tomorrow (Mon 25th) at the Angel Suite, off Exchange Place/Market Place, starting at 7.30pm. The first business of the evening will be Public Question Time, should any local residents exercise their democratic right to go along and speak their mind or question our elected representatives on Brigg-related issues.
It's not often anyone turns up, but if you want to go along, the 15 minutes is all yours!
The so-called "full council" meeting is something of a rubber-stamping exercise these days, as the Town Council now transacts most of its business through various committees - allowing things to be gone into in greater depth than used to be the case when everything had to be crammed into one monthly meeting.
Item 17 - Brigg War Memorial, asks the council to consider rescinding an early decision and to keep the lettering on The Monument in gold. This follows "informed opinion received from the appointed stonemason." Clearly it is not felt black lettering would be so effective, despite that being the majority view some weeks ago.
The landmark on Wrawby Road is currently being renovated and refurbished, our pictures here being taken on Friday to show progress on the worthwhile contract, ahead of Remembrance Sunday, when wreaths will be laid in memory of servicemen from the town who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country.
Town Mayor Coun Ben Nobbs and Coun Jane Kitching may report on the Link2Energy Eco Brigg Workshop, while Couns Tom Glossop and John Kitwood will do likewise after attending the annual meeting of the association representing town and parish councils across North Lincolnshire and the East Riding (ERNLLCA).
If you want to make a night of it, there's a meeting of Brigg Town Council's planning and environment committee from 6.45pm, also in the Angel Suite. Planning applications relating to Bigby Road and Nicolgate Lane are on the agenda, together with a report on Brigg Conservation Area carried out by Couns Jackie Brock, Jane Kitching and Lesley Whitehand.

The flaming torch finial at the apex of the Monument looks very prestine - it's very white in contrast to what now looks like a slightly grubby obelisk.
Seems some excellent work is going on.
Any idea from what sort of stone the Monument is constructed?
My guess is portland stone.
I was talking to Paul, the owner of AutoSpares in Wrawby St some months ago. Paul indicated that the big-wig who lived and traded in the now AutoSpares shop was the main benefactor to its construction cost.
Passed the Monument at lunchtime - workmen working down the column - and its looks super clean.
Any chance of having the finial gold-leafed - like the Monument (Great Fire) in London?
Our Monument isn't 200 feet tall so should be cheaper!!!
Anyway, all looks very posh and folks will need to wear sunglasses when the hoardings are removed.
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