There's still time to pop down to the Angel Suite, off Market Place, today to view the plans Lidl have announced for a brand new store off Atherton Way, replacing their existing one near Spring's Parade. The open session, with a fine array of refreshments, runs until 6pm. All welcome.
Brigg Blog had an informative chat with Philip Atkinson, development executive - property. He and his colleagues were inviting visitors to view the displays and to write down their thoughts on the plans for what is described as "a modern and light store for local residents of Brigg." The firm is keen to receive feedback.
Obviously, everything hinges on planning permission being obtained from North Lincolnshire Council, and we can expect the necessary application to be lodged in the near future.

Those pesky brown signs keep reminding me that Brigg's supposed to be an "historic market town". I don't believe it's quite true in any case, but it would be nice if we had a coherent idea of what "development" is. I don't really see how this "develops" Brigg other than making it harder for people to use all of the town's amenities at one time. It will be the lonely sole who parks at Lidl and "nips" across the A18.
I'm moving to Louth.
1. Since when has the Old River Ancholme been a 'canal'? Check the map.
2. A traffic-flow problem waiting to happen.......anyone notice that the store's entrance/exit is directly opposite Almond Grove?
Shoppers faced with a traffic jam after shopping will be tempted to detour via Almond Grove.
Entrance/Exit siting/design needs to be re-examined.
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