Efforts have been made by to get on top of the problem. And there has been less unauthorised parking observed inside the zone in recent months.
However, Brigg town councillors – asked to "score" each category - believe the drive to tackle the problems still has some way to go.
In terms of getting to grips with driving through the town centre, Coun Penny Smith suggested a mark of just one - “no improvement.”
Coun Julian Kidd said some drivers were still coming over the County Bridge to avoid the traffic lights on Barnard Avenue.
On the question of unauthorised parking in the town centre, Coun Ann Eardley commented: “I don’t think it has improved at all.”

But Coun Carl Sherwood (pictured) added: “I’d say give it five – there has been an improvement.”
Coun James Truepenny said: “I agree – five’s about right.”
Safer Neighbourhoods, the Neighbourhood Action Team for the Brigg area, local police and North Lincolnshire Council (all having an interest) will be able to reflect on Brigg Town Council’s marks on both issues:
1 For vehicles being driven through the pedestrian area
5 For unauthorised parking.
Some vehicles, of course, are permitted inside the pedestrian area, such as police cars, ambulances, fire engines and lorries/vans delivering to, or picking up from, businesses without an alternative access.
How many of us are old enough to remember Janice Nichols on Pete Murray's Juke-Box Jury and her -'Oi'll give it foive'.
Now for more sensible things. Ok, so traffic has to be kept to the minimum in the PZ, but wot about tradesmen carrying out repairs - ie glaziers, even the window cleaner?
According to NLC they need to buy a £15 daily permit (£10 per day after 1st) so a plumber spending 5 days at a property will pass an extra £55 on his bill.
Seems to me all these scores are subjective . Are there any actual statistics out there that can show the 'actual' number of offenders?
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