North Lincolnshire Council’s Dog Control Order system/list is being reviewed.
Brigg Town Council has passed the issue across to its planning and environment committee for consideration in the near future. Any comments can then be forwarded to the unitary authority.
If you think there are areas of Brigg which would benefit from a Dog Control Order, put a comment here for the benefit of councillors. Or email
Here's a helpful explanation from the unitary authority...
North Lincolnshire Council has Dog Control Orders for specified areas of land. They are enforced as follows:
Failure to remove dog faeces.
Permitting a dog to enter land from which dogs are excluded.
One person taking more than four dogs onto (specified) land.
Anyone found to be breaking a Dog Control Order could be issued with a £80 fixed penalty notice or prosecuted.
North Lincolnshire Council dog wardens can be contacted on 01724 297000 or
NF adds: The above public footpath from Churchill Avenue, over the fields to Wrawby, is very popular with dog-walkers. This strikes me as being one of the places in Brigg where you are most likely to put your foot in it, so to speak. Tread carefully!
....'Over the fields to Wrawby' ...set it to music, Nige and you could be a songwriter. Could be dead musical.
" The hills are alive with the sound of */$~!!! ^*-!!! iv'e put my foot in some **^/~~!!! again !!
Just a suggestion .
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