Saturday, January 03, 2015


Walking along Barnard Avenue the other day we passed the utility company compound which is right on the boundary with the Tesco car park, and saw it had a small sign saying "Brigg Cattle Market" which was clearly the right location when the facility was installed, but is now long out of date.
It is  good to see a piece of Brigg history being carried forward into 2015. But perhaps, one day, someone at the electric company will get round to updating the location.

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

...on the contrary, Nige...perhaps we should use old traditional names for parts of Brigg.
For example, which has more character, the Tesco Roundabout, or the Cattle Market Roundabout? Indeed, this roundabout acquired the temporary name of Chicken Roundabout some years ago. If the name had stuck, it would be historically more interesting explaining to newcomers that the roundabout was once the home of a herd of chickens..!
And, although Elwes St itself has historical significance, should we revert to The Butchery, or its earlier name, The Shambles?
In Scawby Brook, we have the Moorings - Brigg has the Buttercross - but really that's a modern name, it was originally called Town Hall, so why not name Station Road - Steam Engine Lane..and Bigby St - Log Boat Approach, after all, the historic Brigg Log Boat was displayed in that area* for about 20+ years by Elwes before being dispatched to Hull Museum after which it was destroyed in 1943.

*in the are now occupied by Golden Living - for 6d visitors could walk round the boat....and crowds use to come from Sheffield et al...