Saturday, January 17, 2015


Our attention was drawn to this strange sight in the Old River Ancholme, close to the former Lidl store. Viewed from the towpath, it looks like the business end of a WW2 bomb.  
However, having studied the odd sighting at close quarters, using Adobe Photoshop software, we think it's a partly decomposed traffic cone. So there's no need to scramble   the Army bomb squad.
The long submerged item has surfaced from the murky depths due to  the river has been lowered for maintenance.

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

......I see that they've put up the scaffolding prior to starting the promised White Hart's riverside wall replacement....opposite..

The original, very pinkish block wall, adjacent to the White Hart, which (cf Nige - 'what') was oft' criticised when first constructed, has now weathered and is rapidly blending well with the original brick-walled wharfage.