Tuesday, October 08, 2013


The traffic lights on the A18 in Brigg - controlling the flow of traffic out of Old Courts Road and Wesley Road onto Barnard Avenue. 
There's a set of traffic lights in Scunthorpe that are superb: Some sort of technical wizardry means that if the lights are against you as you approach, but there's no traffic waiting in the other lanes, the lights immediately switch back to green and you are on your way - sometimes without even drawing to a stop. 
These lights control the busy steel town junction of Oswald Road with Station Road and Church Lane. 
Having enjoyed the benefits of this super sequence, we began to wonder about the sets of lights on Barnard Avenue in Brigg and to ponder whether the experts might have a look at tinkering with ours, if it's possible to replicate what we've seen in Scunthorpe.
We know the Cabinet Member for Highways and Neighbourhoods at North Lincolnshire Council follows Brigg Blog so we'll ask him to consider our suggestion. And if he thinks it has some merit, he may wish to discuss it with some of his technical staff.

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

You're idea sounds ok, but is the solution to actually simplify the cross-road priorities along Barnard Ave?
For example, do we actually need traffic lights to control the junctions? The traffic lights, which need to process thro' their sequence, regardless of the number of vehicles (or seemingly
sometimes, no vehicles) emerging from the side streets. The robotic dance appears to create unnecessary delay to the flow of traffic.....
Has anyone assessed the situation with the TL's switched off as an experiment - ie A18 (Barnard Ave traffic has priority, while side road traffic 'Give Way' and filter into mainstream traffic flows?
Obviously, there would be a need to have warning lights at the Barnard Ave/Old Courts junction to allow the Brigg fire tender bobbies to emerge as the situation arises.