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1 comment:
Not convinced that the bridge represents the original fording point of the Ancholme in Brigg, Scribs.
It would be more likely to be in a position where the river banks where shallower.
Bridge St & Market Place are on an outcrop of rock - the natural river banks would be likely be steep - not the sort of terrain one would naturally choose when trying to ford a river when there are better choices no too far away.
Bridge St/Market Place were probably sites for a Bronze Age settlement, while animal grazing, farming, boat building and the historic crossing point where around Lidl & Tesco car parks.
Certainly, the known massive, but covered Bronze Age causeway seems to be orientated towards a crossing in the area of Riverside Surgery.....It's exact route and the extent of this causeway has never been fully explored/examined - despite recommendations that it has high potential to be an outstanding archaeological interest.
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