A Community Plan can draw up a kind of wish list of things people would like to see, such as improved leisure or arts facilities. Having an official Community Plan is said to be very helpful in obtaining various grants for projects.
This will be something totally new for Brigg, and although the Town Council is sourcing the money to pay for it, the Community Plan will be driven by the general public, not the wishes of councillors, although obviously they may well have valid contributions and suggestions to make.
NF adds: Brigg Recreation Ground would be at the top of my wish list. It's high time this facility came back under Brigg's control. North Lincolnshire Council inherited it from Glanford Borough Council in 1996, and Glanford only took control, in 1974, because the newly-formed Brigg Town Council did not want to manage it after the the demise of the old Brigg Urban District authority. For many years there has been talk of a group being formed to manage the Recreation Ground. We are sure North Lincolnshire Council would be happy to hand that responsibility over to someone else, as the Rec currently generates little revenue. Plans have been drawn up, at various times, for new changing rooms, the installation of a full-sized floodlit Astroturf sports pitch (ideal for hockey, netball and football). There's even been talk of a mini-golf/pitch and putt course.
1 comment:
1. Museum
2. Rowing boats/electric-powered boats on the river - fire hire. Construction of proper mooring facilities and etc to improve river usage/appreciation.
3. Pole dancing in the bandstand
4. Cultural venue
5. Sergeant's beer (free to people of my age)
6. More activities similar to Car/Bike Night ie pavement painting; marching bands; jazz bands; morris dancing; town crier competitions; model car racing events....etc.
7. Someone to ride thro' Brigg naked! (every week!!!)
8. Street theatre events,
9. Brigg & District Jazz Festival
10.Clearing and tidying-up of 'derelict' sites
11. Brickyard Lane made into proper road
12. Advertising Finger Signs instead of A-boards
13. Standardised colour scheme for shop fronts
14. Proper adverttising facility for town clubs and organisations
15. Continental-style pavement cafes with lap-dancing.
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