Sunday, March 21, 2010


Many Brigg folk will be against the extension of double-yellow line parking restrictions. However, there have to be exceptions - and I think Wrawby Road is a case in point.
Congestion is being caused by motorists parking very close to the entrance to Sir John Nelthorpe Lower School while waiting to pick up children. This is perfectly legal but annoying for other drivers who find one lane of the A18 effectively blocked for admittedly short periods.
It's surprising yellow lines have not been introduced here long ago. We get them on minor streets but a major A-road somehow escapes.
Your views on the Wrawby Road parking issue will be very welcome. If sufficient folk support our idea we'll let North Lincolnshire Council know. Their road safety experts might then give it consideration.

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

The Safer Roads Officer is Pete Scott...and his side-kick is, Ian Jickells.....but one has to consider: if the waiting parents are displaced from near the school entrance, where will they go? Displacement could cause a more serious problem of congestion elsewhere.
Anyway, why do teenagers need a lift? Most of the pupils who live some distance away will catch the school bus.
It wasn't like this in my day!!!
Apart from that my mum couldn't drive, we didn't have a car!!!