North Lincolnshire Council should be asked to take a look at some of the advertising signs and banners in Brigg to see whether any require applications for advertisement consent or planning permission, it was suggested during Brigg Town Council's latest meeting in the Angel Suite.
Some questions having been raised by members of the public, the authority discussed The General Appearance of the Town, to seek a satisfactory solution to "the increasing use of advertising banners and A-boards in throughout the town."
However, despite a possible audit by North Lincolnshire staff, town councillors were at pains to stress support for the business community as a whole.
"Some consistency" over signage was needed, it was suggested.
Coun Ben Nobbs used a screen to display photographs of various signs and banners currently to be seen in the town. "There has been an explosion of signs," he suggested.
Coun Rob Waltham, a member of North Lincolnshire Council's cabinet, noted the suggestion of an audit. He stressed everyone wanted to see Brigg businesses do well, while also considering the "amenity of residents."