Sunday, December 05, 2010


A robin has now started visiting gardens in our area of Brigg during what one weatherman we've seen quoted is already calling the worst winter since 1963. And we are only just into December! The arrival of a robin, in folklore, is meant to be an indication of bad weather to come. The bad winter of 1963 claimed the lives of half the robin population in some parts of the UK, this species been badly affected compared with other native birds.
And finally: For the benefit of Brigg Blog visitors in far-flung places, mainly ex-pats working and living abroad, we'll update you all on the weather - the main talking point. Yesterday, temperatures got above freezing, resulting in some gentle thawing of the heavy snow. However, there was a severe frost overnight. This morning it's cold, with little wind, and we've had one of two very brief and light snow showers so far. We will now put the Brigg Blog Weather Department seaweed and pine cones away for another day.

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