Monday, December 29, 2008


Memo to Tesco management in Brigg: A few of your trolleys are missing!
You can find them, still locked together as they were when they left your car park, on the nearside bank of the nearby Old River Ancholme - not far into the water.
It looks like some festive wag, or vandal (depending on your point of view), took the trolleys from near the store and pushed them the relatively short distance into the river.
I think they must belong to Tesco, as Lidl's are generally chained together and you need to put a coin in the slot to free each one. Not the sort of expense your average vandal is going to stump up, just for a laugh.
The trolleys should be as good as new after being given a decent wash.
Unless there are some festive 'elf and safety reasons why not, of course!


Shine said...
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Shine said...

Sick of seeing Tesco trolleys, i have at least 4 at the back of my property and have reported it directly to Tesco twice over the last 6 weeks, and was promised that they would have been removed before Christmas, we are still waiting!

Also there are trolleys in the park, etc etc