Sunday, December 28, 2008


Great to see the recycling spirit of Brigg character Tansy lives.
There's a youngster, maybe 12 or 13, who can be seen scouring the Ancholme towpath, collecting bottle tops discarded by those who choose to drink on the riverside.
He uses a metal stick with a magnet on the end and, once he's collected enough to bag up, sells the bottle tops for recycling.
It's surprising how many discarded ones can be found in a small stretch, so he's doing a public service collecting litter, and saving our own Lol Hartmann from having to sweep them up.
As there's a good allocation of litter bins on the riverside, near Spring's Parade, it's a pity folk can't be bothered to use them.
But one man's loss is clearly this youngster's gain.
For those Brigg Blog readers who have not been in town long enough to remember Tansy, he used to walk our streets, pushing an old pram, and was always on the lookout for anything discarded which he could sell on for a few pence, or a shilling.
A First World War vetran, Tansy lived on Sumpter's Farm, off Elwes Street, and always carried his trusty stick.
He could often be seen, in the 1960s, in the window seat of the cafe on Bridge Street, savouring a cuppa.

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

Nige -
X-Re article/photo 23 Jan 08