Friday, November 11, 2016


Temporary banners advertising events have been a common sight in Brigg for many years.
This particularly applies to the railings by the A18, as event organisers realise that thousands of folk pass by on foot and in vehicles.
Now a new development along these lines is planned - relating to rail rather than road.
Brigg rail line campaigner Paul Johnson tell us that permission has been received from Network Rail for local groups to display banners advertising events on the metal fence on the Cleethorpes platform at Brigg station - FOR FREE.
Paul adds: "The only criteria is that the events must be on a Saturday when the trains run, and the banners must be tied tight to the metal fencing facing the platform.
"The Brigg Line Group or Network Rail take no responsibility if the banners go missing or are damaged."

PICTURED ABOVE BY PAUL: The fencing at Brigg railway station where FREE adverts for Brigg events can now be placed.

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