Friday, November 16, 2012


Driving down the A18 in Brigg yesterday, and approaching the pelican crossing near Horse Fair Paddock, I tawt I taw an unusual vehicle parked up in the lay-by outside the old police houses. It was a truck with a large message on the back alerting passers-by that a new store has opened in North Lincolnshire (not in our town).
Having visited a couple of Brigg businesses over the space of half-an-hour we walked down to the end of Wrawby Street to get a picture - but the lorry we tawt we taw had vanished.
"Suffering Succotash!" as Loony Tunes' Sylvester would have said.
This morning it was back in the same spot, but the lay-by was full and we didn't get the chance to pull in and catch it on camera. Better luck next time, perhaps.
Maybe our good friend Ken Harrison will have better luck with his camera, in due course.
We are planning to get Tweetie with this story in the hope that a message alert on Twitter will draw some more internet traffic to Brigg Blog.
That's All Folks!

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