The news was received with much regret by fellow town councillors.
Town Mayor Coun James Truepenny made reference to her "exceptional work in the town and for the town council especially."
A letter of thanks and appreciation is to be sent to Mrs Glossop, a former Town Mayor and ex-chairman of Brigg's planning and environment committee.
Most town council vacancies end up being filled by co-option - saving the cost of an election. But the proper democratic process, as always, will be followed.
We'll keep you posted. However, if you are interested in joining the town council just email town clerk Jeanette Woollard for further details via this helpful link TOWN CLERK
One of the best. Whoever fills Maureen's place, there will also be a void.
.....and your comment about co-option saving money, Nige, actually how many town concillors are co-opted?
Perhaps a real-life election will bring some life to Brigg's electorate and jerk them out their general lathargy to involve themselves with the town's issues.
Apart from that, why don't you stand, semi-retired person???!!!
.....it seems that the best are leaving....now there are now 3 vacancies!!
It's become a whirlpool, but methinks that the council should encourage one of the high st retailers stand.
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