From Phil Allen, BASH
The November meeting of Brigg Amateur Social Historians at the Servicemen's Club, Coney Court, saw the welcome return of local historian and writer Sue Allan.
Her talk on the life and family of Lady Rose Hickman, of Gainsborough Old
Hall, was fascinating. Sue was dressed in clothes of the Tudor period, as worn by Lady Rose. Her wonderful story told of an extraordinary woman of courage who lived through one of the most turbulent periods of history and survived the reigns of two Tudor kings and nine Tudor queens.
The subject of the next BASH meeting, on December 1, is The Lincolnshire Times Newspaper 1867-1985 by Brigg journalist Nigel Fisher.
Pictured above at this month's event are Roger Vorhauer (Sue Allan's husband and co-researcher), Josie Webb (BASH chairman) and Sue Allan (speaker).
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