A very proud moment for Brigg Town Cricket Club's second team captain, Phil Dewfall (centre) as he receives the John Pettit Grimsby and District League's Saturday Division Knockout Trophy from former England captain Brian Close (right) during the annual dinner, held at Grimsby Town FC's McMenemy's suite. Looking on (left) is league president Barry Brown.
A good contingent of Brigg lads turned out for the dinner, which was a combined affair with the Lincolnshire County Cricket League.
Brigg Town originally had a second team back in 1975, when Brian Parker - recent winner of the Brigg Town Civic Award - was club secretary. That team operated in the Grimsby League for just one season.
In 1979 the club re-established a second team, playing in the North Lindsey League, games being almost equally divided between Saturdays and Sundays.
Brigg 2nds next played in the Humberside Alliance, and spells followed in the Lincolnshire League and the Lincoln League before the team went back to the Grimsby competition last season.
It's all change again for this summer, with Brigg 2nds - and the club's first team - both operating in the East Yorkshire Alliance for the very first time.
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