You can enjoy the warmth of the Angel Suite tonight - and contribute your thoughts on how the town is run.
For the Annual Town Meeting is being held at 7.30pm. By law, town and parish councils must hold at least one of these each year, giving residents the opportunity to go along and ask questions and raise topics of interest.
Prior to that there will be a meeting of Brigg Town Council's planning and environment committee at 6.30pm, when among the items of interest will be an application relating to the new Wilkinson store in Cary Lane.
At 7pm the monthly meeting of the town council will get under way.
Hopefully it will finish promptly at 7.30pm - there is not too much on the agenda - so members of the public attending for the main event of the evening are not kept waiting.
However, 'Joe Public' is very welcome to sit and listen to the committee and full council meetings...if anyone fancies making a night of it.
Maybe there's not too much good stuff on the telly!
For those who might not be sure of the exact location of the Angel Suite, it's off Market Place. You can park in the Angel car park (off Elwes Street) or, if arriving on foot, walk down Exchange Place (alongside Hardy's bar).
Town clerk Jeanette Woollard (pictured above with Town Mayor Coun Michael Doherty) has kindly supplied the agenda for tonight's Annual Town meeting, which we are happy to publish on Brigg Blog.
1. Welcome by the Town Mayor
2. Receive Minutes of the 2007 Annual Town Meeting
3. Matters arising from the Minutes
4. Town Mayor's Report - Councillor M. Doherty
5. Reports from others, which may include:
a) North Lincolnshire Council
b) Local Policing Team
c) Public Footpath Warden
d) 3 B's Street Project
e) Friends of the County Bridge
6. Proposed Changes to ambulance cover for Brigg and the surrounding area:
To receive details of the proposals from the invited representative of the East Midlands Ambulance Service.
7. Remembrance Sunday Parade and Service:
To discuss and consider the request received by Brigg Town Council for the timing of the parade to be changed in order to ensure that the 1 lam Act of Remembrance can take place at the War Memorial.
8. To receive a progress report on the Brigg Emergency Plan.
9. To further consider the creation of a Brigg Parish Plan
The public are advised that much of the information required to create a Parish Plan for Brigg is already contained within the Brigg M.T.I. Action Plan, and it will be a small task - for a willing few -to transform this into a full Parish Plan. Would you be interested in participating in this initiative? If so, please come along.
10. OPEN FORUM - the opportunity for you to raise issues that you are concerned or even happy about! DON'T WASTE IT!
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