How sad to read in the Scunthorpe Telegraph's announcements page of the death of Mick Atkin, the former Brigg schoolteacher and Scunthorpe United footballer. He was 59.
Defender Mick (pictured here at The Old Show Ground) was connected with the Iron from 1969 until 1976, managing to combine teaching at what's now Vale of Ancholme Technology College with playing for The Iron as a part-timer.
He was a member of the squad which gained promotion, under Ron Ashman's guidance, in 1971/2, finishing fourth as county rivals Grimsby Town took the title.
Mick was also with the club at the same time as Kevin Keegan, later to play for England, of course, and now hitting the headlines again after returning to manage Newcastle United.
Mick's funeral is being arranged by J Naylor, the Brigg firm, and donations may be sent (family flowers only) for Macmillan Cancer Support to Joe's premises at 15 Bigby Street.
Friends are asked to meet at Woodlands Crematorium, Scunthorpe, next Thursday (24th) at 11.30am for the service and committal.
Incidentally, one of Mick's team-mates in that promotion-winning team of 1971/2 was ace striker Rod Fletcher, also a teacher who played part-time football.
Back then, so-called experts were suggesting teams in the old Division Four would be forced to employ nothing but part-timers, due to dwindling attendances and rising costs, but this has not happened.
Staying with the football theme, and on a happier note, could Briggensians FC, who play their home games at Sir John Nelthorpe School, be in the running for a national award?
With some 50-plus players in their squad, like Carl Sherwood and Adrian Gibbons (not sure whether venerable veteran Col Mumby is still going) they might consider joining the search for the UK's oldest football team, now being carried out by over-60s energy scheme StayWarm from E.ON - sponsors of the FA Cup.
Jean Webb, marketing manager with StayWarm, explained: "We’ve had a fantastic response to our search for the oldest football team with the current highest combined age coming in at a staggering 629, but we are still searching for a team to step forward from Lincolnshire.
"All you have to do is call 0800 068 7302 by January 31 to nominate your team and list the combined age of your first team’s eleven players."
The winning team in Lincolnshire will be awarded a new StayWarm sponsored kit, made up in its team colours, while the oldest overall team in the UK will win tickets to see their favourite club compete in this year’s FA Cup.
"StayWarm from E.ON is designed exclusively for people aged 60 and above to give them the peace of mind that fixed price gas and electricity bills bring. Customers pay the same fixed amount by direct debit, every month, for 12 months, however much energy they need. To be eligible for StayWarm, customers must be aged over 60, have no more than three bedrooms, no more than four occupants and use their energy for domestic purposes only."
People interested in finding out more can call free on 0800 068 7302.
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