Monday, January 07, 2013


This fine study of the historic door at what was once Brigg Grammar School was taken at the weekend by Ken Harrison.
A school was established in Brigg through the will of Sir John Nelthorpe in 1669 -though further years passed before it was built and opened.
In 1969 - to mark the tercentenary - the original doorway, which had been boarded up - was given new wooden doors and reopened.
It originally offered access to the schoolroom, much later being used for teaching and assemblies (called Rooms 1 and 2). Later, following the replacement of BGS with the comprehensive Sir John Nelthorpe School, it was transformed into a library.
There's a verse in the Brigg Grammar School song that mentions the founder, Sir John Nelthorpe, giving broad acres (in his will) "to open wide the door of learning's mystic temple."
This was the very door the songwriter had in mind.
This part of SJN School is grade one listed - the only building in Brigg to enjoy such exalted status.

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