Friday, May 14, 2010


Here, as promised, is the North Lincolnshire Council response to yesterday afternoon's posting about the tree outside the Exchange Coach House, Bigby Street.
A council spokeswoman said: "The council tried contacting Mr Mullen before sending the notice but were told he was unavailable. The tree in question has been inspected by experts and was found to be severely infected with a decay fungus making it a danger to passing members of the public and traffic. For this reason the council has served Mr Mullen with the tree felling notice. He has 21 days to appeal against this if he wishes to do so.
"The council officer has met with Mr Mullen and informed him he has the right to gain a second opinion and appeal against the notice.
"The council’s environment officers are always happy to give information and help with any issues regarding trees and can be contacted on 01724 296296."

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