Thursday, April 22, 2010


Hanging baskets outside town centre businesses help make Brigg more colourful during the warmer months. The Town Council was delighted with the response from businesses last year and is now approaching firms to take part in its scheme for 2010. Newcomers are especially welcome to buy a basket from the council which will then arrange for it to be watered regularly. The cost is £27 per basket.
For further details call Town Clerk Jeanette Woollard, tel 01652 659402 or email

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

Now here's an opening for someone -
it costs more than £27 to get a decent hanging basket from a garden centre...and with these, you get them watered on a regular basis.

Why doesn't the Council sell them to private residents.....and an enterprising guy could give them a squirt of water/fertilizer every so often for a reasonable rate.

Being really clever, there is an opening for a 'RENT A BRIGG BLOOMING BASKET' firm with hanging baskets being changed to suit the season.

Brigg could be in perpetual bloom 365/52.