A space, or piece of punctuation in a sentence, can make all the difference in the world to the meaning, as an item at Brigg Town Council’s meeting in the Angel Suite demonstrated this week.
Councillors were discussing who might attend the forthcoming Action for Market Towns National Convention. It was left with interested members to contact the clerk afterwards, if they wanted to go.
I came away with the impression ANYONE from the councillors' ranks could put their name down. Or did the person who drafted the motion actually mean ANY ONE (note the space between the words).
Splitting hairs, I know, but the first definition could mean as many as 19 councillors putting their names down to go; the second would mean only one of them might do so.
I don’t suppose for one minute the town clerk has had a stampede of members wishing to attend. We will endeavour to find out if anyone has, and let you know who.
It is anticipated the Town Mayor, Coun Mike Campion, will be representing the town at this important get-together of people from similar towns round the UK.
The convention is in Skipton, North Yorkshire, on October 1 and 2.
Brigg Town Council is intending to take advantage of major discounts available through the Early Bird booking scheme.
The costs, inclusive of convention, dinner and one night’s
accommodation are:
* Action for Market Towns member £285
* Non-member £425
* Early Bird discount £175
* Additional nights available at £80.
Convention only - two-day passes
* AMT member- £220
* AMT member - Early Bird - £95
* Non-member - £360
Convention only - one-day pass
* AMT member £120
* AMT member - Early Bird - £60
* Non-member £190
Study tours available to delegates include:
* On the waterfront - regeneration of Skipton’s
* Market Towns Going Green
* New uses for old buildings, promoting town vitality:
the Broughton Hall business park
* Art in a Cattle Mart; making the arts work for the
* How large businesses can work in small towns -
Skipton Building Society
* Snapshot of Yorkshire and Humber Market Town
Workshops available to delegates include:
* Smarter working: developing your partnership’s
* What makes an effective town partnership
* New ways of delivering affordable housing
* Get healthy: The nine-month programme for a fitter
* Prosperous business, prosperous towns: How
healthy business, retail and services lead to
vibrant town centres
* Working smartly to deliver cost-effective rural
* Making the most of technology
* Car parking: Making it work for your town.
That last one - about car parking - will certainly interest whoever goes from Brigg. For North Lincolnshire Council's re-imposition of car parking charges has become a major political 'hot potato'. We also have a problem with on-street parking in many areas in, and near, the town centre, resulting from charges being brought in.
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