Saturday, August 09, 2008


Sometimes seemingly trivial items come up for discussion by Brigg's elected representatives and provoke heated responses.
Such was the case at a recent meeting of the town council's property and services committee when Provision of a Nappy-changing Table ended up on the list.
Councillors heard someone using the Angel Suite had pointed out there was no set-aside area for nappy-changing of babies by those attending functions and events.
The town council has had to spend a lot of money on the Angel Suite in the past couple of years, meeting all the requirements on health and safety and disabled access (including proper signs) and even getting the lift repaired.
So when Coun Jenny Bell saw the cost of a wall-mounted changing table 'would be £150 upwards' that proved to be the last straw. She felt the table to be totally uneccessary expenditure and a waste of money.
However, others pointed out the council was keen to stress the Angel's Suite's suitability to hire for family functions, so proper changing facilities were necessary.
And Coun Jackie Brock successfully proposed the town clerk, Jeanette Woollard, should be authorised to buy 'a basic model' to be fitted to the wall in the disabled toilet. Her suggestion was seconded by Coun Ben Nobbs, and was carried by five votes to two.
Perhaps, in view of the item under discussion, the official council phrase 'MOTION CARRIED' has rarely been more appropriate!

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