Head of rural policing, Insp Brett Rutty (pictured), delivered the following report to the Brigg Annual Town Public Meeting, held in the Angel Suite.
Criminal damage and anti-social behaviour in the community are the two main issues our Neighbourhood Police Officers and Police Community Support Officer (PCSOs) focus on.
Each Neighbourhood Officer was set a target to reduce criminal damage by 15 per cent during the year ending March 2008. Here in the Brigg and Wolds, so far this year to date we have seen a reduction of 22%.
Similar reduction targets have been set for calls for service for anti-social Behaviour. Although it is unlikely were will meet that target this year we have seen a slight reduction in calls for service to Brigg and Wolds so far this year of 1.5%
Staff from the Neighbourhood Team and the Friday and Saturday evening Respect Patrols continue to address this issue but we do need support from the community and parents have a big part to play.
Although we accept that teenagers want to meet up with their friends, they need to think about where they meet and recognise that their behaviour, particularly when congregating in numbers or when behaviour becomes rowdy, can be frightening and intimidating to other people in the community. Parents can help get this message across to their sons and daughters.
The Brigg area team is lead by Sgt Liz Staff, with PC Rob Armstrong being the Neighbourhood Officer for Brigg and Wolds. Rob is assisted by PCSO Lisa Bogg. We also have a new PCSO, Rob Straker who has just completed the class room side of his training and joins the team today! Lynsey Stamp has come to Brigg too as a result of a change is staffing brought about by the transfer of an experienced PCSO to the team from Scunthorpe.
Rob Armstrong and Sgt Staff are currently working with Sir John Nelthorpe School and our partner agencies to tackle damage to the school and anti¬social behaviour in the vicinity of the school.
Rob and Lisa are also focusing attention at the Springs Parade area of the town where again we are receiving complaints about youths congregating there in significant numbers. Alcohol is being seized where teenagers are found in possession of it and parents will be contacted where teenagers are behaving inappropriately.
There have been report of teenagers climbing on buildings in the town and this is perhaps the early signs that Free Running, the latest urban sport involving the running and climbing on buildings has come to Brigg. Although this may appear harmless, it can result in injury to the 'free runner' and cause damage to buildings. Rob and Lisa are keeping an eye out for this type of behaviour and will give strong words of advice should they encounter it.
Parking problems have been brought to Rob and Lisa's attention at various locations around the town and include parking in disabled parking bays and on the pedestrian area. Advice has been given to motorists and warning notices distributed. A period of enforcement will now follow
Neighbourhood Policing is about providing communities with:
Access to policing services through a named point of contact
Influence over policing priorities in their neighbourhood
Interventions: Joint action with partners and communities
Answers: Sustainable solutions and feedback
This involves dealing with the issues that matter most to people in the community. The Police alone cannot deal with these issues. Experience shows that long term solutions can be found when the police, partner agencies and the community work together.
One way of achieving these aims is through Neighbourhood Action Teams (NATs) which have been established in each of the 17 Neighbourhoods using Council Ward boundaries in North Lincolnshire.
Invited to the Brigg NAT are representatives of the Town and Parish Councils, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators, Residents' Associations and North Lincolnshire Homes. The Police and staff from the Safer Neighbourhoods CDRP always attend.
Issues impacting on the community are discussed and prioritised and actions carried out by the most appropriate agency, singularly or jointly with others.
An update on progress is required at the next meeting.
The next Neighbourhood Action Team meeting will be on Wednesday, April 16 at Worlaby Village Hall, commencing at 7pm.
By working together we can make the area a safer place in which to live, work and visit.
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