If you've lived in Brigg some years, or used to in decades past but have moved away, you will want a copy of John Rhodes' new book.
Yeller-Belly Years, Growing up in Lincolnshire 1930-50 looks at the author's childhood days in Central Square.
It brings back many memories for me, having also grown up in this part of town. And, like John, having gone from Glebe Road School to Brigg Grammar.
John's memory is impressive - people, places and events flood back.
But just a word of warning: Don't start reading this book if you've got a busy day ahead. You might well find it difficult to put down, once you've dipped into its contents.
John’s 205-page book is now on sale for £7.50 from Brigg Tourist Information Centre in the Market Place. He will be there, signing copies, on Thursday (December 13), from 11am-noon.
Or copies can also be obtained from John, tel 01480 464874. Email jarivo@gmail.com
If you are ordering from the author, please add £1 to cover postage and packing.
Maybe next year John will be able to get over to one of the monthly meetings of the Brigg Amateur Social Historians, held at Brigg Servicemen's Club, to sign more copies and talk about his time growing up in our town.
A more detailed review of Yeller-Belly Years, with period photos of Brigg, features in the latest issue of the Scunthorpe Telegraph's Nostalgia magazine, on sale from Thursday for 75p.
While you are out in Brigg buying John's book, make sure you go home with a copy of Nostalgia, compiled by Chris Horan. And enjoy reading them both.
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