Friday, December 28, 2007


This is the complete quarterly Brigg area crime update delivered by Insp Brett Rutty to the public meeting held in the Angel Suite. Extracts from it have appeared in the Scunthorpe Telegraph, but is pleased to be able to run the officer's interesting report in full. We intend to offer similar updates throughout the year. Pictured right is Pc Steve Wash who is not working on Brigg streets at present, as Brett's report explains.

Crime overall for the Brigg Neighbourhood Policing area during the last six months (to the end of November) has decreased by 10.9 per cent compared to the previous six months. That’s 64 fewer victims of crime.
This includes burglary to people’s homes (reduction of 14.3 per cent) but an average of 28 per cent of burglaries over the last year have been sneak-in type offences. These tend to be opportunist crimes where the offender has taken advantage of insecure doors or windows. We all need to take care of our property and ensure homes are secure even when at home in another part of the house. This is particularly so over the coming weeks when extra goods in the form of Christmas presents will be in our homes.
Criminal Damage is a crime area the Neighbourhood team is focussing on, providing a presence to Hot Spot locations and with PCSOs visiting victims to offer reassurance and seek further information or evidence.
During the last six months we have had a reduction of 15.9 per cent in this crime across the Brigg policing area compared to the previous six months ( 26 fewer crimes).
Regarding Anti-Social Behaviour we have seen a slight increase in calls for service for anti-social behaviour during the last six months of 1.6 per cent compared to the previous six months. This was to be anticipated as we do tend to get an increase in nuisance incidents in October and November.
We did put out extra patrols on Halloween, Mischief Night and Bonfire Night which meant we were able to respond better to calls for service. The Respect Patrols are continuing on Friday and Saturday evenings, specifically to focus on Hot Spot locations and to respond to calls for service.

At Ridge Neighbourhood we have been working at Hibaldstow where PC Tracey Teal has been tackling a graffiti problem. One youth has now received a reprimand, another has been interviewed and this has led to further lines of enquiry to identify others involved.
Kirton Lindsey seems to be a Hot Spot location for anti-social behaviour and nuisance caused to the community by teenagers. We have teenagers converging on the town from surrounding villages in the catchment area for Huntcliff School. Tracey and PCSO Kev Horsfall are paying attention to the area and are working closely with the youth club to explore the possibility of it opening on a Friday evening.
PCSO Lyndsey Stamp is spending a lot of time at Messingham, getting to know local people, understanding the community issues there and providing a visible presence on the streets.
The next NAT meeting for the Ridge Neighbourhood will be held in the New Year. The date and place will be circulated to all key individuals once established.
On-going issues at Broughton and Appleby Neighbourhood included a spate of criminal damage offences around the Greyfriars Road area of Broughton. All victims have been visited by PCSO Vicky Petty but at present we have no leads. Some shop premises have also suffered from criminal damage and PC Vince Potter has some enquiries and names of possible suspects to follow up.
Drunken behaviour by a minority of young adults has caused concern in the community. Vince and Vicky were able to identify one offender who received a Penalty Notice for Disorder. We have also worked with our Incident Resolution colleagues and the Respect patrols to pay attention to the issue.
The former Bishop Burton College site has been a problem location with teenagers gathering there and causing damage and nuisance. Some arrests were made but the site will be in it’s current condition for some time until the development work can begin. I ask that parents help the police and the community by dissuading their children from entering this site. It’s not just about criminal offences being committed but derelict buildings and building sites are dangerous places to play on.
The next NAT meeting for Broughton and Appleby will be in the New Year at a date to be fixed.
On the Brigg and Wolds Neighbourhood, PC Rob Armstrong has taken over from Steve Wash (pictured above) while Steve is unable to perform full police duty. He has quickly settled into the role of Neighbourhood Officer and is assisted by PCSO Lisa Bogg.
Shop Watch is now up and running. There have been a few administrative teething troubles to be ironed out and it is probably too soon to assess the impact it is having although there have been fewer calls for service to the Tesco and Lidl area.
Teenagers still congregate under the bridge and at the Millennium Green and alcohol has been seized from some of them. Rob and Lisa will continue to pay attention to these locations and would welcome any information as to where teenagers are getting their booze.
The Sir John Nelthorpe School is suffering from a significant amount of damage as well as older teenagers gathering there in cars which have on occasions been driven across the playing fields. Schools are not public places for teenagers to congregate after hours, at weekends or during school holidays and I would like parents to help getting that message to teenagers. Sgt Staff will be liaising with the school to consider what crime prevention methods they can implement to help reduce the problem.
At Barnetby the One Stop Shop is again a focal point for teenagers to congregate often to the annoyance and disturbance of shoppers and residents. Rob and the Respect Patrols will continue to pay attention there
The next Brigg and Wolds NAT meeting will be held at Worlaby Village Hall at 7pm on January 9.

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