Thursday, May 31, 2018


Many 'seniors' in Brigg and district - and further afield - have tasty meals delivered to their door by a well-known company.
This is one of the ways in which they can stay in their own properties, rather than having to consider moving to a care home.
So Brigg Blog was interested to receive the following news of  an innovative partnership that could help save lives...


A new initiative between Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue and Wiltshire Farm Foods could help save lives.
The fire service is working with the home food delivery company, who visit hundreds of homes throughout Lincolnshire supplying meals.
Wiltshire Farm Food's drivers have already received special training to help them spot the tell-tale signs of people who may need fire safety advice or even assistance to remain safe in their home. They can then make a referral to Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue's community safety team.
James Baker, deputy manager for community fire safety, said: "Wiltshire's delivery drivers are ideally placed to alert the fire service to any individual they think could be at risk. Cooking is the main cause of fires within Lincolnshire, and this is a great opportunity to remind people with some simple steps of how they can remain safe in their home.”
"Because Wiltshire Farm Foods visit so many homes in the county they are able to reach more people and hopefully, together, we can reduce the number of cooking related fires."
Wiltshire Farm Foods makes around 5,000 deliveries every month to Lincolnshire customers through their team of six full-time and two back-up drivers currently serving Lincolnshire.
Company director Gurj Kalirai said: "Though we are a business and we like to maximise our potential where possible, Wiltshire Farm Foods is ethical in the way we operate. First and foremost the health, wellbeing and safety of our customers is our priority, this is why we go the extra mile and why we are delighted to have this partnership with Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue."
Executive Member for Fire and Rescue at Lincolnshire County Council, Cllr Nick Worth added: "I am delighted to see the additional benefits from this partnership come to fruition.
"We strive to find new and innovative ways of reaching people who may be vulnerable in their homes and this idea helps us to do that. It could ultimately save lives in Lincolnshire."
Pictured: Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue's James Baker with Wiltshire Farm Foods Operations Manager Paul Dalton.

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