Wednesday, June 26, 2013


We can now add to our recent brief reference to the press and public being excluded while Brigg Town Council discussed the proposed locations for the upgraded CCTV system.
We quote verbatim from the Town Council minutes, issued since the meeting and now accepted as a true record, which state: "It was noted that the directive that discussions on this matter should be subject to the exclusion of the public and press was issued by the Safer Neighbourhoods Team."
Brigg Town Council's Policy Committee voted and excluded the press and public, which it has every right to do in law "in view of the confidential nature of the business about to the transacted."
Going from memory we think this is covered by Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972.
That's not the issue to consider, though. The point to ponder is why talks about the CCTV locations, in the opinion of Safer Neighbourhoods, required to be discussed in camera. Could it be that the locations are still the subject of discussions with certain property owners in the town centre? Could it be that various costings are being considered but not yet finalised? We can only guess, and it's likely the public will never know.
However, we all look forward to "eye-spying" the cameras when they go up. 
We had better make it clear that Brigg Town Council does not provide or operate the CCTV system. The loftily-perched cameras are operated by higher authority. Sorry!!!!!


Ken Harrison said...

Talking about 'loftily-perched' things. ol' Nige......reliable grapevine drums hint that the cctv cameras are to be remotely controlled - that is, no cabling and with everything done by radio signal.
And that the tx/rx dish has to be on the highest building in Brigg.....which means that the cctv system will be literally in the hands of God!!!


CCTV is a good thing and having cameras - perhaps more of them - is to be applauded and encouraged. But the reason for requesting secrecy over the discussions still escapes me. 4 stars for good work on the CCTV, but we'll have to take one away for the reason previously stated

Anonymous said...

1984 wasn't supposed to be a manual