Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Brigg has reason to be proud of its pedestrianised town centre, designed to allow people to shop in comfort, untroubled by cars and heavy lorries rumbling by, as used to be the case when the A18 passed through Wrawby Street, Bigby Street and the Market Place.
Sadly, as this column has said before, not everyone pays attention to the spirit of pedestrianisation. And the authorities do little, or nothing, to enforce it.
Yes, commercial vehicles can enter to make essential deliveries of bulky items. But last night - after all the shops had shut - there were FIVE vehicles...three parked in the Market Place and two in Wrawby Street. No deliveries were taking place. Indeed, one of these vehicles was a car and another a 4 x 4.
The paving stones in the pedestrian area will last a lot longer if they only have to take the weight of human traffic, rather than the four-wheeled variety.

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