Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Newell's deli, in Wrawby Street, currently displays a sign in the window announcing the sale of Sargent's ice cream on the premises.
That name will bring great memories flooding back for Brigg residents who were children in the town in the 1960s and 1970s. What a treat it was when mum dipped into her purse and produced enough for a threepenny cornet, or even a tub of Sargent's finest.
Their cream-coloured van - old even in those days - used to tour the council estates, with the driver/server ringing an old handbell. The result was a bit like the story of the Pied Piper, with children leaving houses at high speed.
Later, Mr Softie and Mr Whippy came on the scene. And you have to be careful repeating their names these days on the internet, for fear of attracting the wrong sort of visitors to your site!
The ice cream sold by Messrs Whippy and Softie was totally different to that of Sargent's, so they were not directly in competition.
Brigg was also visited by vans belonging to Scunthorpe firm Massarella.
Has anyone got any pictures of these ice cream vans visiting Brigg streets in the dim and distant past? Kindly email them to

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