Monday, October 30, 2017


Prominent 'buildings in Brigg town centre are set to be given a new colour scheme, in a move that is being supported by the Town Council.
Local businessman Joe Mullen is seeking listed building consent to repaint 60, 61 and 62 Wrawby Street - pictured here on the right.
He is proposing changing the colour scheme to Dulux Wethershield green glade (satin finish).
Brigg Town Council's Planning & Environment Committee agreed in was "in support" of the application and will pass that view on to North Lincolnshire Council planners who now have the final say on whether to grant permission.
A tapas bar was a suggested use for these premises but it has not opened to the public.

Brigg Town Council's Planning & Environment Committee is also "in support" of separate applications for extensions to be added at:
  • 3/3A Engine Street
  • 2 Eastfield Road 
  • 8 Eastfield Road
In these three cases, North Lincolnshire Council will now make final decisions.