Tuesday, June 21, 2016


A decision is finally on the horizon for a scheme to build new homes in Brigg.
Five properties, with garages, are proposed for land to the west of Almond Grove, not far from the Donkey Field play area.
The application was given a "valid date" by North Lincolnshire Council back on July 29 last year and has been on the "pending" list for months.
So why such a length delay when many applications are decided within a few weeks or months?
A spokeswoman for local authority told Brigg Blog: "The application has required a significant amount of information to address Environmental Protection concerns. 
"In addition, issues surrounding affordable housing and viability of the scheme have prevented an earlier determination.
"Outstanding matters are close to resolution and  it is anticipated that the application will be reported to the July 2016 Planning Committee for a decision."
The applicant is Shirecare Property Co Ltd, Lincoln.
Brigg Town Council, consulted on the application, replied last August that while welcoming what appears to be a good use of a brown field site, it had some concerns.
The planning committee meets monthly at Scunthorpe Civic Centre. 
Brigg Blog will post details of July's once the agenda is released.
The committee has the power to approve (often with conditions) or refuse an application.
Sometimes it elects to defer while councillors undertake a site visit. They then reconvene at the following month's meeting to make a decision.