Friday, October 05, 2012


A member of the council's "parking police" team of enforcement officers was noted in Brigg this morning, checking on vehicles parked at the top end of Wrawby Street, close to the car accessories shop.
Fine - no problem with that. Good to see checks being made.
However, as we walked down Wrawby Street and through the Market Place - a pedestrian zone - we noted vehicles parked, coming and going, as is usually the case.
The sign at the top of Wrawby Street always leaves me wondering: It instructs cyclists to dismount in the Market Place. Does that suggest it is OK to cycle through Wrawby Street? Local councils go to such lengths to ensure the letter of the law is met in all regards with their traffic regulation orders, etc, and then permit such an unclear sign to be on display to all.
It's not a new sign and we seem to recall our friend Ken Harrison has touched on this topic before.

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

There are various traffic related signs in Wrawby St.
For example, there are a number of small, 'No Waiting' signs attched to the walls of building....but then officialdom contradicts such signs by offering 'peermits' to unload and wait in Wrawby Street.
The 'Cyclist Dismount in the Market Place' - near the Brigg Fruit & Veg - Red X shop seems to indicate that cyclists can ride about Wrawby St....but in the same location of this sign are 2 'No Entry' signs, which gives the impression that while traffic (and cyclists) can use Wrawby Street,it has to travel west to east....componded by the 'One Way' traffic arrow attached to the TIC in the Market Place.
So on one extreme, we have folks bouncing up and down saying that the zone is for pedestrians, while the approved Highway Code signs adorning the zone indicates that traffic can use it.
But, as I said before...we need to go back to the statutory instructions/laws that must have been validated before the pedestrian zone was created.
For example, Wrawby St/Bigby Street were the A18...and I assume that the the Minister of Transport approved the closure of the a major before the route was paved with york stone and pedestrianised.
Or did it just happen as the by-pass of Barnard Ave evolved.....this would explain why various official bodies are unable to enforce rules.
Indeed, the so-called 'by-pass' is really an Enterprise Road - developed by EU funding - to improve access to the industrial zone down Atherton if it is not an official town by-pass (as it was not officially created as a by-pass)..legally and technically what is recognised by the MOT as the legally documented through route thro' Brigg?
I accept that Barnard Ave acts the main thoroughfare, but were Wrawby/Bigby St ever declassified as A-class trunk roads.